What past delegates are saying about Music Conference Alberta
The networking opportunities are simply amazing. The ability to meet and learn from Music Educators from all over the province is simply invaluable. The trade fair is fantastic, the concerts are rejuvenating and inspiring. Most of all, over the years the number of Elementary sessions has improved. Elementary Music has grown to have it's own special portion of the program and in past years, often most of the sessions were in the same room. For many Elementary Music teachers this conference could be their only opportunity to take part in a necessary choral reading session. For many of us, a different take on how to present a specific skill or concept is one of many gems we take home with us.
With all of my heart, I can say I have left Music Conference Alberta every single year for a decade completely inspired, amazed, excited, and feeling like I had connected with many other professionals like myself who otherwise can often feel isolated and alone. If you are a Music Educator, attend, you won't regret it. If you are an administrator, encourage your Music Educators of every level and discipline to attend. Truly, this conference helps to deliver to the students of Alberta the calibre of Music Professional they so rightfully deserve.
- Tanya Frigault, Music Teacher at Landing Trail School (Gibbons)
With all of my heart, I can say I have left Music Conference Alberta every single year for a decade completely inspired, amazed, excited, and feeling like I had connected with many other professionals like myself who otherwise can often feel isolated and alone. If you are a Music Educator, attend, you won't regret it. If you are an administrator, encourage your Music Educators of every level and discipline to attend. Truly, this conference helps to deliver to the students of Alberta the calibre of Music Professional they so rightfully deserve.
- Tanya Frigault, Music Teacher at Landing Trail School (Gibbons)
As a music educator I have always looked forward to attending Music Conference Alberta every year. There are opportunities provided for my professional growth by the amazing interest sessions that we have to choose from as well as the ability to connect with the industry professionals in the marketplace. The part of music conference that keeps me coming back however is the chance to connect with my colleagues from across the province. MCA should be a part of every music educators year plan!
-Karen Hudson, Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
-Karen Hudson, Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
MCA has been on my calendar for the past 20 years.
When I was in high school I enjoyed going with my music teacher and participating in MCA sings and hearing the concerts. It taught me how connected the Alberta music community is. As a university music education student the technique sessions and rehearsal strategies were extremely helpful and the conference taught me how supportive our community is. As a beginning teacher I valued MCA as a time of the year when I was able to seek out the advice of seasoned peers (as opposed those in my school, who didn't speak the same language of music as me). I was able to take in sessions on assessment, technology, and repertoire. It was a thrill to have my first student in one of the honour ensembles and even more exciting at how excited it made my students and staff back at my school. It taught me what great resources the conference, the ABA, and ACF can be. Now I enjoy MCA as a time to get together with colleagues, find out what's working for them in their programs, and share what's been working in my own program.
I'm always grateful that my Music Parents Association and school administration are supportive of my attending MCA, because it has truly had an impact on the teacher I've become.
- Nicole Hounjet, Alberta High School of Fine Arts (Okotoks)
When I was in high school I enjoyed going with my music teacher and participating in MCA sings and hearing the concerts. It taught me how connected the Alberta music community is. As a university music education student the technique sessions and rehearsal strategies were extremely helpful and the conference taught me how supportive our community is. As a beginning teacher I valued MCA as a time of the year when I was able to seek out the advice of seasoned peers (as opposed those in my school, who didn't speak the same language of music as me). I was able to take in sessions on assessment, technology, and repertoire. It was a thrill to have my first student in one of the honour ensembles and even more exciting at how excited it made my students and staff back at my school. It taught me what great resources the conference, the ABA, and ACF can be. Now I enjoy MCA as a time to get together with colleagues, find out what's working for them in their programs, and share what's been working in my own program.
I'm always grateful that my Music Parents Association and school administration are supportive of my attending MCA, because it has truly had an impact on the teacher I've become.
- Nicole Hounjet, Alberta High School of Fine Arts (Okotoks)
I absolutely LOVE attending Music Conference Alberta! It is, by far, a much more in depth and meaningful Professional Development opportunity for me than what I get all year long through school. I highly enjoy being able to connect with other musicians from around the province and being able to discuss the successes we share, and the challenges we all face.
- Tyler Leavitt, Gilbert Paterson Middle School (Lethbridge)
- Tyler Leavitt, Gilbert Paterson Middle School (Lethbridge)
I have been attending Music Conference Alberta since I was an undergraduate student and continue to attend now that I have a Conservatory Choral Program and am a Junior High School music teacher. Each year I enjoy watching the incredible artistry of my colleagues during each spotlight performance and I always enjoy incorporating their creative ideas into my own practice. The sessions continuously give me things to think about and refine as a music educator. Above all, I have benefited from networking with old and new colleagues and friends; I get new ideas for repertoire, tours, and pedagogy.
- Bradley van Middelkoop, Director of Choral Music at Medicine Hat College
- Bradley van Middelkoop, Director of Choral Music at Medicine Hat College
The annual fall music conference is an event that has shaped and inspired the careers of Alberta music educators for decades and, by extension, the lives of generations of countless music students. Interdisciplinary in nature, Music Conference Alberta upholds an enviable tradition to bring together clinicians of the highest quality with enthusiastic teacher practitioners, performers with appreciative audience members, and students with their supportive parents in a dynamic professional development opportunity comprised of concerts, interest sessions, and workshops. Designed to renew and inform, Music Conference Alberta is eagerly anticipated each year and sets the tone and standard for excellence in music education in the province of Alberta.
- Ardelle Ries, University of Alberta Augustana Campus
- Ardelle Ries, University of Alberta Augustana Campus