In the online component of this year's Music Conference Alberta, four online sessions will be offered over a two-day period on August 27-28. These sessions will cover four main challenges currently facing every music educator and ensemble leader: recruitment, retention, relaunching, and rebuilding.
Each session will last 90 minutes, with the following structure:
Plenary Session
FRIDAY, AUG 27, 7:00-7:30 p.m.
10 Steps to Recruitment Excellence in the Music Education Profession
Heather Kirk and Michael Ierlullo
Music education professionals who hold back on marketing and promotions to recruit can miss out on rewards that fresh relationships, opportunities and student engagement can bring. It's not too late to change your tune. Let's explore modern ways to better understand branding yourself and your program by communicating to motivate! Learn the top 10 moves you can make -- easily and affordably -- to set yourself apart in the profession, advocate and grow. Join veteran PR expert Heather Kirk, president of Immedia and the renowned owner of Toronto's Piano Boutique Michael Ierlullo to share ideas and strategies to recruit like a pro!
FRIDAY, AUG 27, 7:00-7:30 p.m.
10 Steps to Recruitment Excellence in the Music Education Profession
Heather Kirk and Michael Ierlullo
Music education professionals who hold back on marketing and promotions to recruit can miss out on rewards that fresh relationships, opportunities and student engagement can bring. It's not too late to change your tune. Let's explore modern ways to better understand branding yourself and your program by communicating to motivate! Learn the top 10 moves you can make -- easily and affordably -- to set yourself apart in the profession, advocate and grow. Join veteran PR expert Heather Kirk, president of Immedia and the renowned owner of Toronto's Piano Boutique Michael Ierlullo to share ideas and strategies to recruit like a pro!
Sub-Discipline Sessions
FRIDAY, AUG 27, 7:45-8:30 p.m.
FRIDAY, AUG 27, 7:45-8:30 p.m.
BAND: Will They Come Back? A Look at Recruiting in a Post-Covid World
Scott Campbell Living through a pandemic has created a whole new ballgame when it comes to recruiting and retaining our music students. Students were already torn in many directions prior to Covid-19- academics, athletics, extra-curriculars, family activities, other complementary course offerings, to name a few. Covid-19 has caused many parents and students to question whether or not enrolling in band is a safe and worthwhile activity at schools. Scott Campbell will take a look at how he welcomed students into his music room prior to the pandemic, what will continue, and what might change going forward. CLASSROOM: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: Resources for the Music Room*
Laurel Nikolai In this session, participants will be presented with resources to address reconciliation in the music room. Laurel will share division one and division two lesson outlines and ideas for presenting firsthand Indigenous materials connected to Orange Shirt Day. Laurel will present quality materials in conjunction with Sherryl Sewepagaham's resource Drum, Move, Play! which she produced with Sherryl and the Alberta Orff Chapter. This session will include bringing Indigenous and non-Indigenous students into sharing circles to move forward with reconciliation in the music room and beyond. * Since recruitment is less relevant for classroom music educators, this sub-discipline session will offer other important resources and information. |
CHOIR: Recruiting to Rebuild the Choir - with Leadership, Community, and Healthy Humans at Its Heart
Nicole Hounjet Admittedly, the past year and a half has been rough for choirs. The idea of communal singing took a hit right out of the gate. After a year of being on hold, constant pivoting, and chorister disengagement, it's time to come together and heal through song. Whether you are rebuilding after COVID, reinvigorating after a shift in board or administration leadership/conductor change, or building for the first time, bringing our choral community back to life is going to require passion and energy, which can result in so many exciting possibilities. This session will aim to provide you with some ideas on how to get people in the door, and things to think about when looking for new singers for your school or community choirs. STUDIO: Creating your online brand
Alyssa Berry Having a quality online presence has never been more important. With many now working from home permanently, there is less face to face interaction and socialization that we had during our regular office workday. Therefore, people are using online resources to find everything from groceries to fitness classes, to music lessons, and recreational sports. In this presentation, attendees will learn some simple tips and tricks to become visible on the Internet from basic websites to social media and why trying to be all things to all people is both exhausting and ineffectual. |
Plenary Session
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 9:00-9:30 a.m.
C’mon Back Now, Ya Hear?!
Dr. Milt Allen
In this session, educators will learn some fresh ideas for areas of focus related to student retention during/after the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of an ever-changing environment, there has never been a more crucial time to connect with students through music. However, it’s time to not only get back to music basics, but to the basics of understanding what our students need!
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 9:00-9:30 a.m.
C’mon Back Now, Ya Hear?!
Dr. Milt Allen
In this session, educators will learn some fresh ideas for areas of focus related to student retention during/after the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of an ever-changing environment, there has never been a more crucial time to connect with students through music. However, it’s time to not only get back to music basics, but to the basics of understanding what our students need!
Sub-Discipline Sessions
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 9:45-10:30 a.m.
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 9:45-10:30 a.m.
BAND: Resurrecting the Band Program
Bob Bailey COVID-19 has affected all of us in so many different ways. The school music program is no exception. This presentation and discussion will focus on ways to retain students from the pre-COVID school setting, with an eye to “rebooting” music programs that have been adversely affected. Strategies to rebuild enrollment, mobilizing parents, making use of clinic opportunities, and dealing with administration will all be discussed. It has been said so many times over the past months that we are all in this together. The same applies to those of us who are trying to rebuild our programs. I look forward to talking to band colleagues and comparing notes regarding the upcoming challenges that we face. CLASSROOM: We Can Sing Again! - Activities for Dusting Off Those Rusty Chops
Carmen So We can sing in our classrooms again! Now after over a year of no singing in our music classes, voices will be a bit rusty - both our own and that of our students. Some of us will even notice that older students that once enjoyed singing are uncomfortable singing again. Carmen will be offering ideas on how to respark that love for singing and dust off those singing chops to get everyone back into the swing of things again! |
CHOIR: Home Away From Home: Retention Strategies with the Youth Singers of Calgary
Megan Emmett Join Megan Emmett, Youth Singers of Calgary Alumnus, Director, and now CEO, to discuss and explore how YSC has successfully engaged singers and families over 30 years. Youth Singers of Calgary has retained volunteers for 10+ years beyond their children's involvement, and has several families who now have their 3rd generation registered. Join Megan to learn how Youth Singers created a second home for their community, and continues to retain their singers season-to-season and across years. STUDIO: Private Studio Retention: Thinking outside the box
Esther Bing In this presentation, delegates will learn creative ways to shape their studio policy for maximum retention in the context of compromised experiences during COVID; find out your comfort level around this ever changing situation, and how to convey expectations clearly in your studio policy; learn the importance of community in the studio and how to cultivate it through COVID-related fears; learn how to work with families who are having financial challenges without losing your own shirt; and find out the importance of incorporating movement into your lessons and how it can transform your studio. |
Plenary Session
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 11:00-11:30 a.m.
Re-Membering and Re-Launching Post Pandemic: Best Practices for the New Normal
Dr. Jeffrey Allen Murdock
During the pandemic, we as educators have been forced to retool our efforts in the face of uncertainty. We also learned to focus on those things that are vital as we continued our important work. In this session, we will discuss strategies for re-entry, identifying the things that are important, and setting our programs up for success in a post-COVID world.
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 11:00-11:30 a.m.
Re-Membering and Re-Launching Post Pandemic: Best Practices for the New Normal
Dr. Jeffrey Allen Murdock
During the pandemic, we as educators have been forced to retool our efforts in the face of uncertainty. We also learned to focus on those things that are vital as we continued our important work. In this session, we will discuss strategies for re-entry, identifying the things that are important, and setting our programs up for success in a post-COVID world.
Sub-Discipline Sessions
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
BAND: Getting Back in the Band Room
Lael Johnston This session will explore a collaborative approach between Band Teachers and Administration in implementing board policy concerning COVID protocols. The focus will be on maintaining engaging programming, regardless of situational hurdles. We will look at effective ways to awaken the awareness of administration to the vital role Music Programs will play in re-establishing school culture and students’ health and wellbeing. CLASSROOM: The Beat Goes On: How COVID Improved My Classroom
Kimberly Hall In this session, Kimberly will share the positive outcomes, mindset shift and new ideas that she explored and implemented while teaching during Covid. You will explore new routines, policies, organization and lesson ideas that are sustainable in a post covid classroom that will support an engaging, inclusive and safe program for years to come in your music classroom. |
CHOIR: Return. Rethink. Relaunch.
Catherine Glaser-Climie Amidst the excitement of returning to in person choir rehearsals, there are a myriad of details to consider. Masks? Distancing? Ventilation? Vaccination? Screening? The pandemic is not over yet, especially with the concerns of the highly contagious Delta variant. Let’s explore the best practices for the safe return to singing together for choirs of all sizes and ages. STUDIO: In-Person Lessons Post-COVID: Creative solutions for everyone
Esther Bing Whether you are planning on in-person lessons for the Fall after being online, or starting up again after a long hiatus, you will find solutions for all your questions in this presentation. Learn how to set clear expectations for students and parents regarding the logistics of coming to the studio. Allay COVID-related fears with creative solutions around safety. Figure out how to deal with absence due to illness without having to re-arrange students. And finally, you will be made aware of the many non-traditional ways to have concerts and other events so your studio can thrive! |
Plenary Session
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 2:00-2:30 p.m.
If You Rebuild It, They Will Come!
Dr. Milt Allen
At the conclusion of this clinic, educators will have a variety of ideas to utilize in rebuilding or restructuring a program during & post-pandemic. It ain’t a challenge... it’s an OPPORTUNITY!
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 2:00-2:30 p.m.
If You Rebuild It, They Will Come!
Dr. Milt Allen
At the conclusion of this clinic, educators will have a variety of ideas to utilize in rebuilding or restructuring a program during & post-pandemic. It ain’t a challenge... it’s an OPPORTUNITY!
Sub-Discipline Sessions
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 2:45-3:30 p.m.
SATURDAY, AUG 28, 2:45-3:30 p.m.
BAND: If You Rebuild It, They Will Come: The Saga Continues
Dr. Milt Allen Alright band people – let’s dig a little deeper! This is an extension of “If You Rebuild It, They Will Come!” Included in this session are ideas ranging from re-developing a band curriculum, to ideas on re-establishing band program awareness in the school and community. CLASSROOM: What Should We Do Now? Active Assessment Strategies for Beginning the 2021 - 2022 School Year
Victoria Boler Where should we begin instruction in the 2021 school year? How will we know what information and skills students have retained? How can we begin building strong classroom communities that support students as they build on previous musical knowledge? This session provides a framework for active assessments in the first weeks of elementary general music. Attendees will walk away with specific strategies to review musical concepts using long-range curriculum planning, student reflection, play-based musicing, and active assessment. |
CHOIR: After the lights turn on
Dr. John Wiebe In the matter of a moment, choral programs as we knew them were brought to a surprising and unexpected standstill. Successfully restarting our programs will mean more than resuming where we left-off. This session will explore what happens after we relaunch our programs, including rebuilding skills, setting expectations, incorporating new technology and more. STUDIO: Rebuilding: Embracing Opportunity
Laurie Matiation and Jean-Louis Bleau Studio teaching will never be the same - the pandemic has in many ways changed the way we deliver lessons, and in some ways enhanced it in ways we never thought possible. As we work to rebuild, we will engage and integrate aspects of what we have learned during the past year to enhance our teaching and our programs. |