Stephanie Schuurman-Olson.
Stephanie (she/her) is a researcher and musician-educator based in Camrose, AB. She currently teaches early childhood and undergraduate music courses at the University of Alberta (Augustana), and is a K-6 music teacher in Wetaskiwin, AB. She holds certification in Kodály Levels I&II , an MEd (Elementary Music Education; UBC), BEd (Secondary Music Education; UBC), and BMus (Voice; UBC), and is currently completing her PhD (Education) at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Dr. David Lewkowich. Stephanie’s current research includes From the Voices of Children, under the supervision of Dr. Ardelle Ries, which investigates children’s singing identities and attitudes. Her doctoral research involves improvisational singing with children, ecoliterate music pedagogies, and collaborative research-creation. Stephanie is generously supported by the Killam Trusts as a recipient of the 2023 Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship.